
Teamwork is an interesting topic. Teamwork, by definition, is the submission and subordinating personal performance as an efficient whole group effort. You always want to create the illusion in the workplace that teamwork is the only way to go. Truth be told, it really is. Group efforts are more efficient and time management can be controlled much easier. If you truly believe in your employees, you’ll understand that giving them the task in group efforts gives them the ability to micro manage themselves. People react to this style of management better because its taking the stress of boss pressure away and enabling your employees to gather their resources together in a collaborated effort. Teamwork is crucial tool in restaurants, from my background, because simply no server can manage his or her tables without the aid of other servers, bus boys, bartenders, bar backs, and managers. Its truly a ballet to watch the hands in and outside of the kitchen at work and working together to produce a common goal: service. I may rant here for a second, but if you have never participated in a restaurant doing the tasks asked, I highly recommend at some point you give it a try. I obtained a lot of experience from the service staff, kitchen staff, the wait staff, and the management staff about many things other than service. I learned about true teamwork; helping those by running food and beverage, busing tables that were not mine, and even picking up tables when people were in the weeds. Teamwork, I believe, works in only two places: Sports and Restaurants. Everywhere else, its just being mimicked.

Please team up and read my comic:

And a meme:

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