
As per request, we were asked to take a stance on a sensitive topic. Abortion. Pro-life verses Pro-choice. A topic most people try to avoid because it involves the creation of life and what most people consider taboo to perform. Before I take a side on this topic, I would like to delve into a theory I think most people should either invest a little into or at least open their mind to. It should never be important what another person does based on the technology that has become readily available to the public. If there is a technique or a pill that removes the fetus from a woman, I believe that no matter what side you take, it should not matter what your neighbor does. Your friends, family, or significant other may weight into the problem, but whatever decision YOU make, is yours alone. I fully believe that if you are Pro-Life or Pro-Choice, it is a choice that YOU must live with. Nevermind the protestors sitting outside of abortion clinics, the people preaching in church what God deems right to wrong, or vice versa. YOUR choice will be something YOU have to live with and most of those people who tried to influence you one way or another may not be there for you. So, with that being said, I would to take my stance on this topic. I fully believe in Pro-Choice. “Choice” is the key word, because the option to keep the child is always there, but when you make the choice, there is no going back. Abortion is not deemed a beautiful practice and some people consider it taboo. Not to mention studies show after your first child, every child after your first one will not be nearly as supplemented and gifted. Its probability, but the studies show that the chances are much smaller for every child after your first, and aborting them is still apart of that probability. My father is an OBGYN at the local hospital where I live and he deems birth should always be something you are well ready for and beautiful. Birthing a child into a predicated miserable existence should be something you should take into account. Can you budget a child? Is your home going to be child friendly? Will you have the time for your child? Being a good parent should always weight into your decision. Being there for them is something priceless. So if your not ready to start a family, I believe the option should be there.

I have swayed my opinion before on this topic. Performing adult behavior has adult consequences. Also abortions are very traumatizing to anyone who has gone through them. So its not hard to imagine taking both sides, because both sides have ups and downs. Life is life no matter what. I hope my discussion has opened  your mind that life is precious no matter what but yet also as an American I’m so thankful this topic has an option to begin with. We are the results of our choices, the actions and reactions of our lives, and whichever side you take, just remember that the decision will something you will live with. Forever.

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