The Principle of Quality

I also took a look at the section about Quality. Quality in the workplace is also another difficult task to accomplish, because a companies 101 practice is: what is the most amount of acceptable level of quality while also giving up the least amount of resources being consumed while doing it? The answer is not so simple. Professor Deming had a 14 point concept on quality within a practical business that would give a business an edge against other businesses. There are 2 points out of the 14 that I would like to address that should be considered the most important ( even though all points are important). The first one is never accepting the lowest bid for a product. Essentially, the key way to have a good finished product is having quality ingredients. Its pretty difficult to fool a customer with a finished product that imitates quality but isn’t. So, always use quality ingredients that you get from a reliable source. Driving prices down for local markets to compete with doesn’t help strengthen our markets. Remember the depression? Yeah. When the Dustbowl occurred in the 30’s and when our markets crashed, many local farmers lost everything because they were forced to compete with one another, driving their prices down to bare minimum gain, and losing many products due to spoilage. Same instance here: if we force our local markets to compete, many could lose everything, creating a higher demand on a cultivation that takes time. So, instead of competing locally, take upon your shoulder a company like Aramark and Sysco. It not only shows that your loyal to a company, but also it significantly reduces paperwork that links your business to a local cultivator legally. The other point I’d like to address is adopting a new Philosophy. Social strain has created the need for philosophies in a business and just like society, A persons philosophy is always changing. This demonstrates that a company isn’t so rigid and, in the long run, you will always keep up with the competition. Most businesses that setup a structure and never change are normally considered “Corporate” and, while most people need guidance, most people also enjoy knowing the business they work for cares about an individuals personal philosophy.

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