The Action-Plan Project

There has been a quick shift in the classroom this week and because our teacher has decided that we need to forwardly progress our job opportunities, it has become apparent that we must make a list to tackle our future careers. My list starts as so:

  1. Graduate with a full degree.
  2. Internship and working within the same line of work.
  3. Travel and visit many locations that platform to the same line of work.
  4. Find a partner and save needed startup fees (loan might not be an option)
  5. Design, plan, build, and open. Market and advertise

According to the action plan, starting with 1, I cannot perform this task until another year and a half which leads me to 2. The internship part of my job search has taken me awhile to line up but I believe I’m on the right track. Recently I called a distinguished Institute located in New Orleans called “W.I.N.O.” WINO is a Wine Bar and Educational Establishment for the buying, selling, and consumption of spirits. It took me about a week to catch-up and was finally able to talk with a man named Bryan, a manager and owner of the Institution. I told him about my interest in his type of establishment and if there was a way I could line up internship with his company. I’m currently waiting to fill out more of the details, but so far, this is very promising for what I want to do.

This action plan I have devised for my future really helped and in many ways for setting up future goals for what line of work I want to do for the rest of my life. The time tables have also become apparent to me when performing this exercise of how close I’ve gotten to my next goal. This exercise should be implemented into anyone who is not sure what the next step is in their goals.

I would like to include W.I.N.O. s link here:

Also, I would like to include some pictures to give you a greater visual idea of what I hope to one day accomplish:


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