Personality Type

Peoples personalities are very important in the working world. Its now we communicate and create friends and foes. Discovering your personality type is a test that can be conducted multiple ways. I administered the test to two people and myself. All 3 of of us had different results as to what kind of personality we had. The personality is divided up into 4 categories: Lions, Otters, Golden Retrievers, and Beavers. These animals are represented by the traits people give them. For example, Lions are leaders bold yet arrogant to choices. Otters are talkative and fun, yet flaky and poor decision makers. Golden Retrievers are loyal and always forgiving, yet the blunt end of abuse. Beavers are calculative and precise, yet this can also be a double edge sword. All describe the majority of personalities in the world we surround ourselves in.

When I administered the test to myself, my conclusion left me to being a lion. I feel that this test is accurate, I normally am a leader who wants to be heard but I constantly make rash choices based on a want of an end result. I tied Retriever and Beaver, because I make also very calculative decisions how to correct my errors from my lion side, and I also reflect aspects of wanting to always fix issues and take the blunt end of the blame. My test subjects were also different. Test subject A was a strong otter, very social but very spontaneous which leads to not being there for everyone. She also was a strong Retriever, because she never wants to confront people with issues and also strong to her feelings. However, Test subject B was a very strong Beaver. He always reads the manual no matter what item he has purchased. He is always analytical and strategizing his next move in life.

I feel this test was very accurate in depicting peoples tendencies and guessing at their flaws and strengths. It is also a theory I had taking this test that the results will vary based on the day. Some days I feel more loyal to others than other days, when I want to be left alone. Results will change due to practical and varied changes of how someone will be feeling that day. I think it would stretch the results a little. Other then that, however, it seemed very interesting that I was a Lion. I never felt like a leader until a test actually pointed it out and made me feel like I can lead while knowing I’m leading people.

And here’s a few comics I located for a good laugh about Personality Test.

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